I love the summer. Warm weather, outdoor activities, the beach but there is also the bite of being outside. For your business that “bite” often comes with the change of the July 1 calendar. Many new employment laws have been implemented with that turn of the calendar so you must be aware of a few changes that have occurred:

Minimum Wage Laws. Many states or localities will have an increase in the minimum wage and you must be ready if your business operates in any of these jurisdictions:

a. Chicago – $11 per hour
b. Maryland – $9.25 per hour
c. Montgomery County, MD – $11.50 per hour
d. Washington, DC – $12.50 per hour

-just to name a few localities. There are many others so be on the lookout for this summer fun!

Paid Sick Leave Requirements. This issue is coming up again in many other states. For example, Georgia employers with 25 or more employees must provide some paid sick leave days to care for an “immediate family member.” This is not the law in Virginia currently, but we should be aware of the changes nearby.

Wage and Hour Opinion Letters. Finally, some good news. I love the summer. Even with the pests, there is bug spray and now the US DOL offered us some old protections again. On June 27, 2017, the DOL announced that it will resume issuing opinion letters to offer guidance to employees and employers. These opinion letters will opine on how a particular law applies to a specific circumstance or fact pattern. A useful tool to avoid getting bit!

As we relax during the lazy days of summer know that your friends at WR are ready to assist you with any concerns you might encounter.

One last comment. Apply your sunscreen and ENJOY THE SUMMER!